Welcome to Home For The Angels Care Centre from all over the world!
DESCRIPTION: HFTACC need voluntaries all time. We welcome those who are interested to share you talent to the children and the elderly. No muslim allow because we are practising the confucius teaching and need to follow the temple's rites and etiquette.
ACCOMMODATION: Free accomodation are provided. We have enough room for both ladies and gentlemen. Lodging will be seperated although you are from a family or couple.
免費住宿,雖然是一家或夫妻必須男女寢室分開住。 |
CHARACTER/ATTITUDE: Must have caring and loving heart toward children and elderly. Willing to contribute without asking anything in return.
有愛心及耐心對待院童及老菩薩。只有付出不要求回報。 |
FOOD PROVIDED: We provide vegetarian food only. No meat are allow at hftacc or hftacc elderly.
本院提供素食而已,葷食不應許帶進來本院或博仁敬老院 |
MINIMUM AGE: 18 years and above
年齡必須十八歲以上。 |
STAY DURATION: At least one month
志工服務服務期間至少一個月。 |
HELP REQUIRED: We need you to assist the children's homework, art and craft, music, sport and computer teaching at hftacc.
We need also nursing care, massage and planning activites for the elderly. 院童需要協助功課, 手工,音樂,運動和電腦知識。 老菩薩需要有醫務治療,按摩及安排活動給他們 |
WORK DAYS: Prefer weekend stay back and help the activities and may have your holiday during weekdays.
週末留下來幫忙後動,如果需要休息可以在週日。 |
DESCRIPTION: All local voluntaries are welcome.
本地志工本院歡迎您 |
DURATION: Short term holiday or long term weekly.
短期如學習學校假期或長期來協助幫忙。 |
HELP REQUIRED: Guiding the children in studies, plan activities or conduct workshop for them.
Assist the elderly in teaching simple Qigong, Laughing therapy, Art and Craft, Chinese Chess and Nursing Care. 協助孩子們的功課, 策劃活動或生活營。 老菩薩可以教氣功, 笑笑功, 手工,象棋及醫務服務 |
MINIMUM AGE: 18 and above
年齡十八歲以上 |
CULTIVATION GROWING: Learn and grow together.
大家一起學習及成長。 |
Character/ Attitude: Sincerity and be a good role model for the children and treat them like our brother and sisters.
Treat the elderly as our parent or grandparent. 誠信及把院童當著自己的弟妹。 老菩薩當著自己的父親或長輩。 |